Uses of Class

Packages that use JacobieDispatch   

Uses of JacobieDispatch in

Subclasses of JacobieDispatch in
 class A
          Defines a hypertext link HTML object.
 class All
          Represents the All collection.
 class DefaultHTMLElement
          This is a generic class that represents an HTML element but the type is not defined.
 class Document
          Retrieves the Document Object of the active document.
 class Elements
          Represents the Elements collection.
 class Form
          Defines a form HTML object
 class Forms
          Represents the Forms collection.
 class HTMLElement
          Any HTML Element that is defined in Jacobie should extend from this class to get any default behaviors / attributes of an HTML element.
 class HTMLObject
          Represents the HTML object from using document.documentElement.
 class IE
          This is the main class that is called to create a new Internet Explorer instance.
 class Input
          Represents the Input object.
 class InputCollection
          Collection class to build a vector of INPUT objects.
 class JacobieCollection
          Any collection or vector in the jacobie should extend from this.
 class JacobieShared
          Intended purpose: -Share common methods across the Document and HTMLElement objects.
 class Links
 class Option
          Represents one option from the select element.
 class OptionCollection
          This is a container for the collection of option objects in the select element.
 class Select
          Select HTML object.
 class SelectCollection
          Collection class to build a vector of SELECT objects.

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